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Produktutviklingsprosjekt med støtte fra Innovasjon Norge
I samarbeid med ledende FoU-miljøer SINTEF og NIVA utvikler Norsep renset flyveaske som nytt råmateriale i produksjon av sement/betong, og som lavkost adsorbenter for gjenvinning av nitrogen, fosfor og tungmetaller fra ulike avløpsvann. I den [...]
Fyldig omtale av Norsep i Aftenposten
Les saken her: https://www.aftenposteninnsikt.no/norge/fortsatt-deponering-av-farlig-avfall
Artikkel om Norsep i Powered by Telemark. Vil gjenvinne mer avfall!
Recycling more waste Norsep has been featured in the latest issue of the magazine "Powered by Telemark". Read more here
Recieved environment-award
The technology works, ready for commercial operation Under great fanfare, and with the Minister of Climate and Environment Sveinung Rotevatn at the helm, the environmental technology company OiW Process in Herøya Research Park [...]
OiW gets four million to develop the concept
Pure ash, salts and zinc concentrate - These four million kroner is incredibly important to us. It is this that will determine if what we are left with after the cleaning process [...]
NORSEP on the national broadcast news NORSEP is featured in these two broadcasts of Norway national broadcasting system (NRK). Watch the segments in the lnk below: 4. april 2018 - Special 18. [...]
We need a national landfill, says
The technical director in Oslo thinks we need a national landfill Technical director of Oslo Municipality's energy recycling agency Johnny Stuen will use new processes to minimize special waste that must be [...]
Finacial Times writes about NORSEP
Nordics tackle ‘Achilles heel’ of incineration power schemes Norsep was featured in the online news-outlet Financial Times, see the article here!
The Explorer
NORSEP med i The Explorer NORSEP er kommet med i The Explorer som har gjort en kjempe jobb med å presentere oss! Se innslaget her: https://www.theexplorer.no/solutions/enabling-circular-economy-in-landfills/ The Explorer beskrives på sine nettsider som: "The [...]
Stortingets næringskomité besøker NORSEP
NORSEP får storstilt besøk! Stortingets næringskomité gjør seg kjent med næringslivet i Telemark og NORSEP er ett av stoppene på Herøya ved dette besøket. Herøya Industripark skriver på sine nettsider: Hvordan være [...]
Article on fly ash recycling
Article on fly ash recycling Teknisk Ukeblad. Fly ash recycling, the zinc content of Norwegian fly ash alone is worth 80 million NOK a year. OiW process and Norsep wants to make this [...]
Start up of fly-ash project
Start up of fly-ash project All is now ready to begin laboratory testing of OiW separation technology for cleaning of fly ash. In cooperation with Odd Henning Groven, OiW Process has established [...]
New company founded
New company founded OiW Process has together with a partner established Norsep AS. The main activity of the company is working with a new solution for removing heavy metals from acids and [...]